Wednesday, February 26, 2014

HWP: Rachel's Vineyard

This coming weekend I will be attending a Rachel's Vineyard retreat. This is a weekend retreat for post-abortive healing and is a time of intense movements of God's grace in the life of those present. I ask your prayers for those who will be attending, for those helping to organize the weekend, and for those men and women throughout the world whose hearts still ache from the wounds of abortion. Please join with me in praying:

A Prayer for Healing from Abortion
Eternal Father, Source of all mercy and love, out of love for us you sent your Son, and willed that blood and water flow from his side to cleanse us of sin and restore lost innocence. 
Hear the cry of each woman who mourns the loss of her child to abortion. Forgive her sin, restore her to your grace, and still the terror of her heart with a peace beyond all understanding. Through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of all tenderness and our Mother, strengthen her faith in you. Give her the consolation to believe that her child is now living in the Lord. We ask this through Christ our Lord, who conquered sin and death, and who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
(Prayer composed by Msgr. James Moroney)

For more information, visit the Rachel's Vineyard website:

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