Friday, September 6, 2013

Pray and Fast!

As you have hopefully heard, His Holiness Pope Francis has asked all Catholics and all people of good will to join him on Saturday, September 7 for a day of prayer and fasting for peace in Syria and throughout the world. Being that tomorrow is First Saturday, there are likely more opportunities to make Mass somewhere near you. You could also do an hour of Adoration or some other prayer to unite with our Holy Father. Additionally, he has invited us to fast. Jesus mentions that His disciples were not to fast while He was among them but that when He was taken up they were to fast in expectation of His Glorious Second Coming. Fasting is something we're supposed to do. But let's remember that in addition to fasting from food, we can also fast from other things. The General Papal Intention for the month of September is "That people today, often overwhelmed by noise, may rediscover the value of silence and listen to the voice of God and their brothers and sisters." Maybe tomorrow we could also turn off the computer, tv and phone for a bit and simply spend time as a family. In addition to the prayer with the Lord what a gift it would be to show love to others by acts of kindness, large or small, to unite ourselves with them and with the rest of the world in working for peace. May God hear the prayers we offer and receive the acts we give and pour out generously the gift of His peace in Syria and throughout the whole world!

Check out the Holy Father's official statement HERE.

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