Wednesday, March 13, 2013

HWP: Litany of Humility

The past few days have been a bit hectic for my brain (not necessarily for my body) and so I just forgot about making sure to post something ahead of time for the HWP for today...but being that the Lord has blessed us with a humble servant in Pope Francis, why not pray a prayer for humility!?

This prayer can seem a bit over-the-top if taken out of context but understood properly it is a powerful and beautiful prayer to have fulfilled in our flesh. May the Lord grant us the grace to see it come to fruition! So, without further ado:

The Litany of Humility

O Jesus meek and humble of heart, hear me.

From the desire of being esteemed, Deliver me, Jesus.
From the desire of being loved, Deliver me, Jesus.
From the desire of being extolled, Deliver me, Jesus.
From the desire of being honored, Deliver me, Jesus.
From the desire of being praised, Deliver me, Jesus.
From the desire of being preferred, Deliver me, Jesus.
From the desire of being consulted, Deliver me, Jesus.
From the desire of being approved, Deliver me, Jesus.

From the fear of being humiliated, Deliver me, Jesus.
From the fear of being despised, Deliver me, Jesus.
From the fear of suffering rebukes, Deliver me, Jesus.
From the fear of being calumniated, Deliver me, Jesus.
From the fear of being forgotten, Deliver me, Jesus.
From the fear of being ridiculed, Deliver me, Jesus.
From the fear of being wronged, Deliver me, Jesus.
From the fear of being suspected, Deliver me, Jesus.

That others may be loved more than I, 
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may be esteemed more than I, 
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That, in the opinion of the world, others may increase and I may decrease, 
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may be chosen and I set aside, 
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
that others may be praised and I unnoticed, 
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may be preferred to me in everything, 
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
That others may become holier than I, provided that I become as holy as I should, 
Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.

Composed by Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val (1865-1930)

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